Brilliant Short Stories by UA Students Recognized in “Le Liban de nos rêves”
Congratulations to Amira El Halabi, a student at UA’s Faculty of Engineering (FOE), and Gaelle El Khoury, a student at the Antonine School of Business (ASB), for their incredible showcase of brilliance and creativity. Their short stories have been selected among the top 81 texts in the competition “Le Liban de nos rêves,” which was published by Librairie Antoine on October 7, 2023, in a collection of both print and digital versions.
“Le Liban de nos rêves,” a short story competition organized by the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) – Moyen-Orient in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE), Librairie Antoine, the Assabil Association, and BEMO Bank, aimed to offer students and scholars the opportunity to express their visions about the Lebanon of tomorrow, a Lebanon in line with their aspirations, through short stories written in English, French, or Arabic.
The achievement of Amira and Gaelle not only highlights the exceptional caliber of our students, but also solidifies our institution’s commitment to nurturing talent and excellence.
Source: Université Antonine website